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Jun 2015
They say if you're bisexual you're confused. If you're gay its a sin. If you're skinny you're anorexic. If you're fat you eat to much. If you dress up you're conceited. If you dress for comfort you're a slob. If you speak your mind you're a *****. If you don't say anything you're rude. If you are sweet to strangers you're fake. If you cry you're a drama queen. If you have male friends you're a *****. If you have female friends you're a player. You can't do anything without being labeled. We live in a society where people can't survive if they're not judging the next person. If your proud of who you are and don't give two ***** what anyone thinks then be your self!
~ Basically Me
Eliza Ramerez
Written by
Eliza Ramerez
     Eiliv Advena, NV and ---
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