I’d like you believe you love me,
Trust me, it’s something I’d love to do,
But when we talk, even if just once in a while,
I’m reminded why I still have no faith in you.
Abandonment is such a harsh word to use, I suppose
But how else can I describe it, you think?
I muster my hope, gather my smiles, for you,
You never follow through; my heart always sinks.
I’ve become consumed by why I’m not worth your time,
Why you look at me as if I’m nothing, worthless, even
I’m your daughter, you know, whether you like it or not
You make me feel like dirt.
I love you.
Believe me so.
Hug me, save me,
Help me grow.
Show me that you love me.
Show me that you care.
Give me some reason,
To know you’ll always be there.
Love, Sarah.
I guess I can’t expect much from you,
You’re the same as you’re always going to be,
But just once, if only once, in your lifetime,
I wish you could see how your abandonment is leaving me.