I fell in love with a girl one summer during high school. she had bronze skin and long fingers and a meek giggle that would crescendo beautifully whenever things went just right. we were happy for a while. she made me a mixtape for my birthday with all the songs that reminded her of me including the folk song that was playing when we first kissed. it was awkward and nervous and shy but so were we. I still listen to it on bad days. I swear the best days of my life were spent on a bean bag chair on her bedroom floor with her hand in mine and no words being spoken because there were no gaps that words needed to fill. sometimes we would paint each others' nails so we would match and my patience would be tested as we waited for the paint to dry. I wanted to touch her but I didn't want to smear my nails after she had painted them so delicately. I had her love on my hands and she was a part of everything I created. she got me a stuffed animal when she was on vacation I swear it was the longest week of my life. it was a teddy bear with a purple ribbon and I named him Conor after our favorite musician. I still sleep with it on bad days. but nothing ever stays the same. we drifted and moved on and found new lives without each other and now I barely know her name. I wonder how she's doing sometimes but I don't have her phone number anymore. her old one's out of service but I still call it on bad days.