She's the type of girl that will say no to clubbing She's the type of girl that would rather stay home She's the type of girl that stays up all night She likes being alone She smiles at words on a page She's in a trace She's laughs wholeheartedly And sheds a tear at something that tugged on her heartstring She can't hear anyone Her mind, soul, and heart are dreaming She's in her own wonderland Where everything is possible And nothing is impossible She has fallen in love with a fictional character She dreams of one day owning her own bookstore She wishes to stop time And to stay forever in her books She reads to long She longs to read With each word she's moved She is no longer here She is an another world Where everything is alright Where the roses are beautiful The coffee sweet The birds chirping A rainbow always out Nothing but smiles And sweet kisses She's only a hand away But her soul is far gone She's addicted to reading She just doesn't know when to stop But she never dreams of it This is her escape From the cruelty that is life She can't see no evil She can't hear no evil She can't do no evil She is an angel With a cup of coffee on the lamp stand A blanket wrapped around her Sitting affront of the fireplace Rocking back and forth A beautiful, lively book in hand Stacks and stacks of more books Sprawled on the floor Little snowflakes falling from Heaven like sweet little kisses that flutter throughout your body She is a reader She is the girl that hides behind her books.