The sky is three shades of blue tonight, fading into one another, creating layered horizons. I painted it myself with the hopes that someone would see and understand. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that can see the difference in the shades. Sometimes I forget that I have to share the moon. There are lights from cities in the distance filled with people that I'll never know the names of. Everyone lives a different reality. I don't exist in any of theirs. This world around me is too big and open to take shelter in. I retreat to the safety of the forest, the only home I've ever known. There is a certain peace I cannot find anywhere else. I take comfort in the stillness and the silence. I climb to leave the world below and everything it holds behind. Only after my feet are no longer touching the ground do I feel truly free. I have longed to be held by the trees' branches, but never by you. You only take up space in my thoughts and leave me feeling a way I've never been able to put into words. I don't want to put it into words. I want back what is mine and all you've stolen from me. I'm not myself when I'm with you.
My attempt at writing after a short break. I seem to have lost my inspiration. I should probably stop trying.