I remember exactly the way your voice sounds even though I didn't realize until I heard someone else's. I remember just the way it felt when you held my hand with our fingers intertwined and how I longed for them to stay that way forever. I remember that look in your eyes when you were looking at me and I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world because of that look. I remember the sound of your laugh and how even if I didn't know what caused it I still wanted to laugh right along with you because you sounded so happy which made me so happy. I remember exactly the way your arms felt around me holding me and just being there comforting and strong and how when I was in your arms I never ever wanted to leave them because with you in your arms I felt whole and complete and perfect and that is funny because to me you are the one who is perfect. I remember just the way your lips felt when they met mine because there was and is and will never be anything quite as wonderful as that feeling when we kissed and everything in the world was wonderful and I knew just how much you loved me and cared about me and just how much I loved you. Remembering hurts. It is a ***** that never fully leaves and always comes back to bite when you least expect it. Remembering hurts but forgetting... forgetting would be unforgivable because I think if I were to forget everything I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that somewhere out there supposedly there was someone for me who would be perfect for me and not knowing that they were so close.