Laments and shouts Harsh words and strangled throuts Slamed doors, hurting doubts...
This is how I will always remember you.
Green irises on blankets of red veins Fighting, denying, throwing blames I see you walking before my eyes Smoking, cursing...then despise The morbid silence in me, All the truths I began to see.
Torned,I turn my look around On these ***** dishes, My real thoughts will never be found; My foolish dreams, my childish wishes.
Please, don't wake up now I'm almost at the door- On fighting, I've withdrawn. A thirst for tireness, always for more.
You used to have a spirit Of glee and perseverance, That's been long forgotten In my childhood rememberence.
Life became life... But you had to stir it!
Stir all its issues with a three-bladed knife Abandon all the good we had On departed kites, Keep ur pride on exorbitant hights, Which chained my life with no rights Of change and reabilitation, My eyes dried of solitude and depression Since I was born. You've become a white shadow In a black mind whose thoughts Lie in storms.