It cannot be reality this misshapen scenes of perspective that I have. Warped feelings of paranoia, against my surroundings.
It’s a circle so they tell me, of feelings so hard to control swallow a pill to combat the illness be grateful for small mercies.
It cannot be the world as it really is this void of depression that surfaces. I fight the feelings with gusto, and strive to pass the test battling against the circle of hardship.
The feeling’s inside are so real, keep taking the tablets they say ~~ you not as bad as some ~~ cannot believe I am here, this place were the (LUNITICS) live.
Pale faces stare back at me, does he work hear? Numbered by medication, devoid of understanding these feelings are not my fault!
Stay of the alcohol and you’ll be alright. Think of those worse of then yourself. I can live with this now, this enemies of my emotions.
I am not all woe and misgivings I can laugh! I may be injured but I can be happy.
This sickness is an unfortunate curse but I can live and learn and love my fractured mind as a friend ~~ REALITY ~~