The process is to accept The progressive retardation Wrought by chemicals A necessary adjustment Reevaluating meaning Value and worth There comes a point when realization dawns The point where intellects breaks down to the base line of ignorance Where attachment is severed The process takes everything away from you But not before draining it dry of anything worth having And so the grandest theft Becomes The most glorious gift Of nothing (This is not easy to understand or comprehend, It is the chemicals patient handiwork that allows eyes to see To see and ears to hear To hear Without their scientifically regulated tutelage there are very very few methods that work in the 21st century that give them that side car joy ride straight the ribbon of BEING into to prayer closet of Nievana Those of us who aren't willing to give up the things we attach to The very things through which we define our selves, our souls, our minds, our hearts and our spirits Drop them, move on a live without When you realize you are living without, drip dmsomething else It is the most difficult thing in the world Yet by the end of the pilgrimage it has become too easy Happiness is with nothing Nothing is a clean slate for your imagination to create upon This is heaven - wants nothing to do with the world Process of chemicals and lack of sleep It's a good thing Though they who follow the path will be laughed at and scorned By people who will never understand them White trash bad *** and Rhoads scholar on the same page "How can they live if not like us?" You keep living, it's your calling We are called to the realm of the supernatural Where we will create our own heavens Songs, stories,books , interactive movies we may never die But if we do we know what we left behind I wii not find I difficult to close my eyes Having created in such a grand scale Albeit with chemicals and ignorance guiding my way