He comes to me with gentle whispers in my ear and softly runs his fingers through mine hair. He gently kisses my lips and feel his breath pressing against me like being caught up in a lair. His body presses against mine as he whispers "you are mine." As my body tingles with his touch I snap out of it in time. While his fingers start moving down, seeking for more. I realize he wants to go further than we ever have before. As he whispers " baby I love you" and " I always will be there." He tries to ****** me with his gentle touch as I pull away and stare. He looks into mine eyes with a yearning plea and says " please let me make you feel good." I tell him "I have to say goodbye" as I know I should. I tell him " I don't believe you and I see through your disguise." I say " if only I didn't know what I knew now....I might actually believe those lies." He starts to get angry and I see a nasty glare up in his eyes. He shouts " baby I just need you" as he starts to cry. I walk away... to see through the disguise.