I am a ***** of the very worst kind Not of *** and promiscuity A ***** of my own Creation You come up on my radar Latch Seek Destroy And you will never know Each and every one of my Dead lovers Never loved me back Tear them up Spit them out Abandoned Just like me But I hurt I feel emotion Like clods of dirt Inside my chest Rip it open Scream at each Small thing Wrong thing I want only this That I can never have Curses Plagues Dead Ex-lovers Stars in their eyes That look past my Efforts Hints Advances I am invisible Invincible Or so I like to think The invisible ***** You never saw me coming Till I cry these three tears Drop Drop Drop Two from the right One from the left Just like the rest So many to name That wouldn’t even know my Hurt Abandonment What have you done to me? Nothing It is I Only I Want so desperately To touch To be touched 3 little tears come from Within this cold hard Clenched fist Wetting my palm Trying to escape Flung at your calm Silent face. I want to be empty I want to not feel this Gift. Emotion. In the pit of my stomach Back of my throat Behind these eyes Sick And they fall One Two Three The time it takes to Break Die Latch Seek Destroy I am on a rampage To eat each man up Bone by bone Flesh and blood Thoughts and loves Till I spew it all back out To every person I meet I am a ***** of the very worst kind I’ve been everywhere Nowhere Inside everyone No One You cannot pay for me. I’m too cheap. You do not want me I am curse Brought on by Liars Abusers Molesters I am the product of A past Mistakes And I want you to Make me better But I become Worse Liken me please To those on the street Full of disease Because I am worth Nothing Of your time Energy Nothing And I expect Nothing more Than this Agonizingly Painful You Are just like Everyone else That I never wanted you To be So much more than Dead Ex-lovers Death from their lips In long streams of wire Attached at my wrists Ankles Binding me Cutting deep Blood Red Stains like my shirt Cutting me Scarring me Until I feel so much Nothing And uncountable tears Flood cities Destroy taverns Come knocking Breaking free Again And again And again And you are The same As those Starry-eyed, wire binding Dead Ex-Lovers So much alive Reminding me of every Failure Each scar on my wrist In the form of a name And now you join the rest In this shallow unmarked grave You are alone With them And I will Consume this hurt Like a breakfast Of nails and tacks Each bite will puncture The last remaining composure Till I am nothing once again Radar Radar Detecting Latch Seek Destroy All over again The very worst kind