the deeply meaningful and elegant ways in which people give away bits and pieces of what's left of their smiles
I do not hide my breathless sighs finding solace in solitude
there is no shame in this
rough surfaces wear down and sunlight reflects a pigment of color never seen by human eyes
once unreachable cores are navigated thoroughly spelunking through neglected innards
no more empty promises
darkness fades to accept the Brightest Light the light of the universe that all lives play with daily
unbeknownst to some it is all true these merits and magic pursuing and perusing the psychological the biological
the chemical components of what makes me and what makes you
I do not hide my breathless sighs elastic and malleable learning the greatest Lessons of Life frolicking amongst the leaves revealing unforeseen connections and capabilities
no longer burdened by the thought of failure simply enlivened by the chance to try try again