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Aug 2011
Under the sun, you shine like the incarnation of youth

At nightfall you glow, like you just made love to the moon
You are elegance, you are patience, you are reflection, you are still

Your beauty shines from your inside out,
Reaching outward upward into the skies,
Your branches know no realm too high,
Your roots know no soils too deep
There are no limits to your courage

Under the sun
Your fruitful seeds spill out over your skin
You are open hands and generosity
You are selflessness

Under the moon
You are wisdom, enlightenment and truth
You are humility and grace

But your sacredness is undervalued at best, neglected and challenged
They raid you, from your insides out
Deep inside your mines and your waters so deep
Scavenging for a dollar
exploiting all they reap
******* the air right out of your lungs
You are exhaustion, you are bare
You are forgotten

Yet still your tides rise and fall with the moon
You are forgiveness, you are hopeful, you are inspiration

In your image I will teach my children to grow
Through your eyes, I will show them the world
With your hands I will build their home
"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." - Rachel Carson
Hannah LePage
Written by
Hannah LePage
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