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May 2015
Another day for Jonathon James
Eyes open in tiny smokey slits
Hoping , all day will stay in gloom
One drink did this to his head

Yeh one more drink than eight
Just one little drink couldn't wait
To split his stupid ***** head
Chaining him to his lazy bed

He dares not smoke his last cigarette
In case he coughs away his heart
And his fat head leaves his body
Looking up from beneath his bed

Ha has to make a few little steps
He has a crying desperate need
When he does , he'll feel so dizzy
But away from his bed he must go

He needs to build his caffeine level
But wonders how it will be done
Then he turns to the noise at the door
And in comes coffee on a tray

He and his girlfriend Joanna May
Sit up together slurping away
The day's getting better and better
Another day for Jonathon James.
Written by
Leslie William Purdy  Mallorca
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