What is a friend ? There's no accurate answer to that question It's up to each one of us to find the meaning of it through our experience of life In a short period of time i'm going to see one of my best friend depart I already feel empty as a dried out lake unable to invigorate itself Friendship only last when we learn from each other through time An endless journey where joy and pain meets and draw near like loverbirds A journey where you find out that the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself Because what attract two person is their natural behavior , the expression of their true self Your friend is your needs answered When your heart is full with anguish , he'll repel it with cheers When your soul is confused , he'll guide you to better days like a living compass Gives his pleasure of life without any expectation of a returning favor Because Happiness is only real when shared In times like this you understand that tomorrow isn't a promise land You have to enjoy the presence of your love ones as if you'll never see them again Because friendship is one of those thing that makes life so priceless.