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May 2015
The field of passiveness, sits next to the forest of confusion. This forest echoes true sorrow from it's creator, but that sorrow was only a state of mind; one of many the daunting trees express. They all call in any who are unfortunate enough to be caught under the hypnotic pull. They say you become someone else when entering that forest. You have to rebuild yourself from confusion, but for what... To stuff away the being you once were. Try to understand that the being you were and the being you become are two pieces to the "real" being. The forest is a stage of transmutation. Most die before realizing this, because most fear what they become. Causing them to falter when they need to move with haste. The truth is, the forest cannot be understood. it can only be embraced.
Devan DA Redmerski
Written by
Devan DA Redmerski  USA
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