Beauty you said was a quality I possessed Intelligence I insisted was mine to own Subtlety is not a virtue I contest to borrowing Vengeance I will never openly deny Memory sharper than a tack Verbal sparring worse than a shark’s attack Considerable damage caused by honed wit Disturbing visions created by vivid imagination Wrapped in a neat and stunning package Just a sample of all the composing things That create the person, that I prefer to be Yet something of a steel frame runs beneath these qualities Like honor, pride, unwavering courage Love, compassion, and absolute empathy Denial of what I once believed myself to be Gave way to self created confidence But as every flower has it’s core So does the depths of my soul Buried deep within, rarely coming out to play My passions, desires, and fanciful whims Unspoken dreams, and unexplored propositions But perhaps the most mesmerizing thing Is when my laughter rings out Instead of being buried within