I see a country Where the art of ******* reigns supreme, I see an ethical ship that's sinking But I'm too focused on my future to worry about these stagnant 'leaders' and their backward way of thinking I see a nation that is in a race, that could be sprinting, instead what we're doing is limping They sell us out to the highest bidder, I see what they are doing...it's pimping And they claim it's illegal... I see a monkey.. Swinging from tree to tree That monkey being a representation of you and me Swinging off and grabbing at branches In search of that ever illusive 'opportunity' I see pimping I see a society encouraged to operate in unity But, while we confer I see our '****' exercise that 'divide and conquer' They say, what doesn't **** you makes you stronger I concur, that we are But I ask, for how much longer? I see a leadership that chooses to see whatever it wants to see One that is supposed to mirror me, but in it, there is no reflection of mine I happen to see I see a leader that seems to want to do right by us Surrounded by leutenants that seem to be encouraging him to drive right by us And not see I see a lot of cracks in the way they are running this state and it's obvious I pray that I may be forgiven for stating the obvious.
'Macho hayana pazia' is a Swahili phrase roughly translating to, the eyes cannot be limited from seeing.