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Aug 2011
I find myself running out
Of things and ways to say it.
Repeating phrases
Like I’m sorry
Saying them louder
Like that might help you
To understand

I know this is hard for you
But its hard for me too
Because it was me who fired the shot,
That brought down the world

I blew out the candle,
And everything went dark
Now I’m blindly feeling my way,
To a solution
Hoping one exists at all  

God, I’m just so **** terrified
Trying so hard to hold it all together
Hold it all in.
Hoping my fear doesn’t show though the cracks

I can’t care how it comes out anymore,
I won’t worry about rhyme
Or form.

This is all about the point.
My jumbled ideas, worries
That are coming too quickly to make sense.
Jumping from one stone to the other
Turning from blue, to grey in one fluid motion
Like the sky deciding to storm

I’d really just like you to take my hand,
Practice forgiveness
And we’ll work out this mess together

Because I know you’re real,
And you’re probably all scrambled up too.


I can’t stop, there’s too much here that reminds me of you.
Taylor Bart
Written by
Taylor Bart
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