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Aug 2011
It will always be a mystery
An obvious heartache
A tug and pull, a desire
To have, and to run

It could be cliché
To the untrained eye
Or the boy on the other end
Of this line, a fragile string

But I have to be selfish
Just for a minute
I am my own lifeboat you know
And saving yourself is the hardest thing to do

This adoration, is far too much
Overwhelming me to ask for your everything
Wanting to see how far we can go,
On a single breath

Conflicting ideas set me apart
Fighting over the same thing
Running towards you, and away
Changing direction too fast, dizzy

I should be relieved
That I made my escape
Before you realized my flaws
So maybe when tonight fades, you’ll think I was good

I feel the weight of the stone I left behind
Heavier then ever
Hating that I want you to follow
That I could silently beg for it

So when I leave you, and I turn that corner
And feel the explosion
And see the fragile bits of my life
Flutter slowly down around me, like ash

I’ll wonder what I would feel like
If you were beside me
Would you help me pick it all up
Or would you see my destruction for what it really is


How can I possibly ask you to stay, when the only thing for you to do is watch guard over the wall I’ve put up- to keep you out
Taylor Bart
Written by
Taylor Bart
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