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May 2015

the baby is too light.  its mother puts it on a scale that reminds her of a plate her empty childhood couldn’t break.  its mother invites neighbor boys to punch her in the stomach.  some of the boys bail.  some don’t.  the mother’s nickname doubles as her real.  the baby is not called bricks.


when I couldn’t get my head around the surrender of my body to the flotation device of an immaculate conception, I’d simply swallow a baby that had swallowed a pill.  years go by and I am zero.  the number arrested for suicide.        


because he is asleep, he does not find himself sleeping in the tub.  something slides from his belly and becomes wedged.  his dream business goes under even in dream.  he makes eyes at CPR manikins.  his son, his life, pushes for legs.


I call this piece

the hotel room
that left
your father.

a hammer is a good bid, an unmarked
bottle of cologne
is better.

your mother stopped in
to let me know
my high school
mile time

was threatened.

she said she would’ve come sooner
but she had to work
a fork
from her thigh.

the disabled are born liars
but lie
only once.  


before the parade
I carried with me
a trombone
and entered
the high

what I played

was mournful
the fact-

a tune
for no one, for a tree’s



depression is a non-starter.  depression is depression unknowingly cured.  it is like I have this shirt because it exists and not because it invites everyone whose shirt it’s not to enjoy joy.  I don’t want to hear you say you’re sad to say.  I ******* to reappear and think it might be why my father vanished.  it’s enough during foreplay to flicker.


my youth spent trying to see the devil as a young man.  my motherly youth.  my **** scene a return to form.  cut from yours, you have your baby’s eyes.  I went unborn.  I went beaten.  we went together in broad daylight when broad daylight was god’s elevator.


the original thought in my head was to be postdated by god until god learned he had a baby on the way.  I had children until I could only have four.  what I say to self-harm is pay attention.  my daughter raises her hand on the off chance she buried something in her teacher’s body.  (we have stopped talking

but I can squeeze her anorexia into a phone booth)  poverty myth:  I groom my sons with the beak of bird abandoned.  real time I tell my tongue it’s ******* curtains for the mouth I’m getting.  full circle my daughter surrounds those brothers of hers that mine clone.        

On having a secret mother

the boy is lacing up his right shoe
when he sees
the string
to his middle
and wonders
how asleep he was
when it happened-

(being forgotten
is a lot like
being forgotten
by) harm, that purple balloon

lowered into
then surrounded

the inactive
construction site
of the world

On suicide

you are further than I
in your worship
of the slow
that carries
back and forth
from appearing
to reappearing

god (how else)
to bully

what would
wipe you
of body


On foreclosure

any chance, no,
of improving
my impression
of god.

noises beneath a bomb or bomb

wheelbarrows, wagons.

the occasional declawed cat
past which
I make
like I am

(in wheelbarrow)  (in wagon)  otherwise,

no cats
on cat

On libido

the previous verse was a poor man’s bible.  like wildfire a fondness for appropriate discipline spreads.  one scarecrow means practice, two scarecrows mean parentage.  a third is your father’s failed garden of baby teeth.  is, by definition, is.  I are

motherless.  what mother doesn’t know doesn’t worry.  many spiders came on the wind and a few were swept into mouths briefly opened by age. what made woman did not make the disappearing girl.  flashing back to a scene that’s not there or forward to one dependent on space, pain arrives

in memoriam.  

On memory*

for all the showing, one would think the only things born were eyes.

when lord
or lords

this is the body

I tend  
in unison
to trail
my voice

as if

I could make my own
the anesthesia
it underwent

to intervene.

On devastation

brother, there’s not a cigarette

on earth
that you
can surprise

On the past

my death a warped photograph of a former awe, my life

four children
drinking water
from glasses placed on either side
of my sleep-

it is on these nights
when I am sick
that I become the sound of my ears
my mind’s
thoughtless position
on time, that I am ably

here, ably slow
in sight of
the aging

I’ve given
a sporting chance

On supervision

you may have been a child
projecting a maze
or an adult
the hollowness
of things.

in a condensed version
of poverty’s
obstacle course
I still hold the hammer
that works for a mirror…

with dog or with dogs, we were presented
as two examples
of how to be

I love me a farm machine
and the week
you knock yourself into.

(a silo
a drunk)

On phobia

before the brat kid
can repeat

this is not
the television
my father
writes for, it is my understanding

that such a child
to the itch
to have a child
disappear.  as I refuse

(to enter
the ocean)

I’m pretty sure god has put my death in a bug.  

On the need for a watchlist

if one can talk of it

one is most likely
we called you to life to give you a name.
odd imagery ensued.

a prisoner gave birth in the yard of your mouth.

god became the man men wanted to be.  god wore a dress
he could see through.  a short history
of heaven
made its way

to hell
to have its


your mother developed a stutter
for which I developed
a stutter
application.  things began to click

on you
and when that
didn’t work

your fake cry
took on
a depth

of meaning
made us dip

your brother)

On paternity

as his mother heard yesterday he was born to some nobody everyone can describe, she instructs her barber to slide a lit cigarette behind her ear. as unimportant as the barber is, his pencil makes a subtle change in her dream to put a cricket on the witness stand.

On contact

talk early, walk late.  

for food.

hold kitten
like a rifle, your father’s head

to god.

call my / with your


On looting

we move the cemetery to confirm there is nothing outside of this town.  the ******* remains a two man show.  leash laws are for dogs and angels.  our doctor has a touch of deer worry.  exercise is for the birds.  god is the pitter patter of imagined feet.  our fathers double over in bathrooms from the shame of not calling out for paper.  our mothers have done the math.  by now, most kids have eaten a popsicle alone in a church.  I’m in it for the stick.

On my father being gay

a crow
born inside
a footstep
is passing
for dark

On having little to no vision

the amount of thought
given to locating
the secret

I am on count eight
of ten-

ten, the future.

I call your hiding place


of course you dream of falling-

those toys
are the toys
of god’s


staring contest-

the only child and the twin, then

the lonely


let there be

the light.

On decompression

the zombie movie
about buzzards.

the hungry enough horse.

the 48 hours
that go
in the parents
of special

the civilian
birthday suit, the war


On the expected delays**

in this place
paid for
by another

two dreams
of being
run into
by a newly


are had
by the one
we share

like a comb
to forget
whose hair
was first
Barton D Smock
Written by
Barton D Smock  48/M/Columbus, Ohio
(48/M/Columbus, Ohio)   
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