Woe, Woe!!!!! To those who shall listen, Thy fortresses and bunkers shall have no protection for thou rich dweller, Howl and moan for better days to construct, Thine yards shall be uprooted and plucked by thou fathers wrath you have forgotten!! Eateth thine own prepped storeaways you quenchors to idols, Rejecter to bibles, The missing will politely strike, Where the rattlesnake shall bear its territorial bother, Chopped and slithered you shall have thine econonomic collapse!!!
Wake from thine nap , Coffee addicted shadows, Billowed and awaiting fellows,
Know your mind is not on a trip, But/a dip to hell and back../
Break thy backs, And sow thine seeds, TeressΒ Β as you bleedeth from/ the creatures you'll become again! Ultimate end...
False peace is on the horizon, Where thine batteries won't match Verizon, For calls will be palapable and moribund by altitude! Such gratitude!!! NOT..
Post thine photos and crop, For they shall be the last thine self may post!!
List and ***** and swander in no charity humbleness, For adore thine acrillic dish, From out of thine bowl of wrath you shall eateth!!!!