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May 2015
Because the blackberry blood
was not enough image
to portray my sins against you.

It washing over,
under our teeth.
Tongue lapping,

I love you.

Because we walked for hours,
honest steps.
mosquito bit wrenched
wretched soul of mine
welds beyond an itch
why does my past

I love you

Do you?
I despise the lady in black
with heels that keel over
shatter sense
of light that shine
just too brightly in the gleam
of her thorn black sunglasses.

That show...
a little too much
of my own reflection.

i love you

sin breaks things.

i love You
I'm sorry

sin breaks my knees.

Love You
Cause its our first anniversary, and I'm a **** up.
Written by
beautyshesmear  between humanism and word
(between humanism and word)   
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