I weep to wonder why we were chosen for such a time so near to closing — a time that's dark and dreary indeed with valiant heroes whose hearts do bleed when evil dreads arise again to do battle 'til the end.
Thunder rumbles with malicious glee at these people who hope to flee; ere the tides of good are turned and those who died are too soon burned and those who died afore they fought are torn asunder without thought.
But unto this troublesome time a little light must surely shine? Though dark shadows rub their hands with joy for the machinations they employ to wring the land of all that's dear and leave us yet with days unclear?
Thus knights in armor ever-white shall go forth to fight the fight; Lo! Our triumph (though for a time) shall blow the gates and the mind shall clear the lands for those who bled and leave us be to bury the dead.
For a time enjoy the peace and always 'member that darksome beast: all he wrought upon the land the very land that we once ****** and do not forget that we did fight side by side and might by might.
Thus this world would ever quake should its evils lie awake — but as prophecies are spake on high we will sound the Battle's Cry should evil dreads arise again Take heart! We will do battle 'til the end.