the poem starts righ now my poem has already started I’ve had this rash for about 3 months now and no matter how much cream i apply it never seems to go away it seems to be right on my chest itch after itch I’m attempting to scratch it away **** i made myself bleed
I wait for it to stop and when i think I’m done scratching it comes back scrapping scuffing anything to get him away HIM this boy that is my rash that i can’t seem to push away wrapping himself around me with blankets of words that twist up my spine and spiral down my back Him who i refer to as satan has wrapped me around his long soft cigarette smelling hand holding fist clenching tear wiping fingers HIM who won’t go away after hours of rubbing HIM who is not like my other rashes because unlike my other rashes this one is on my chest and the heart is located on the chest and the other rashes were located in my head because i wanted them to be something they were not HIM him who i don’t want to be a rash anymore him who i wanted to be a birthmark and never leave me him who is with someone else but the rash is scaring and no matter how much coco butter i apply its here forever this rash will be apart of me even when i don’t have the appetite to feed into its hunger by scratching or ripping or tearing him who i would give my worst days for him to have his best him who i wish i could tell how i feel but ill keep scratching itch after itch after itch my rash