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May 2015
I'm not superman
And way too slow to be the flash
I'm definitely not batman
As I don't have Bruce Wayne's cash

Can't swim good enough
To be aquaman
And I'm too chubby by far
To wear the tights of Peter Pan

I can't be the hulk
I just don't look right in green
Ironman? forget it
That suits way too technical a machine

I'm not your typical superhero
You've never heard of me
But should we ever be attacked by bacon
My super power you would see

I can't leap over a tall building
In a single bound
But I can eat bacon non-stop
Pound after pound

You know it's only a matter of time
Bacon will attack sooner or later
But have no fear dear citizens
Ky Philbilly
Written by
Ky Philbilly  KY
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