Times have made me a little bitter, I must say. My own temperament causes me great dismay.
Now, while I'm aware my poetry is elementary, It triumphs what you'd muster in a century. 'Best friends' long enough for it to be convenient, Then decide you're too cool for some odd reason. See me on Halloween, go the opposite direction, When I ask you why, you laugh at my 'misconception.' I confront you with truth; you dismiss it as rumor, You're a cancer anyway, thank God I removed the tumor.
Well, hey, you know it all, right? What can I tell you? Except to take a bath, you **** -- everybody can smell you. See, I've lost friends before, but with you I won't bother. At least I'm not dirt poor and I live with my father.
While you seem very troubled and your tone is solemn, I still miss the part where that is my problem.