The waiter places the coffee on the table somehow expressing just how beneath him the entire exercise has proven Accomplishing this with just the position of his body and his lack of a greeting
I am impressed I add cream and stir
I pick up the cup and peer inside a swirl within another like a night filled with stars Placed above a town with a church steeple as if to mix the sky The cup itself now a palate I could use it, perhaps with a biscotti to paint my own darkness
I look around and perceive the table and the cafe in a new way Gaze too closely and it begins to break apart There is nothing between the tiny dots except.... we assume the ones that look alike, go together we make the patterns,
the connections don't really exist
The waiter now, despite being made up of a cloud of independant notes, still manages somehow to project ennui and disdain I continue to be impressed
Paying my bill using notes with shifting faces I walk down a street created with the brush in my hand
You cannot create experience. You must undergo it. Albert Camus