The bible, just another fiction book?
Another book without a hook?
Did you bother to even look?
The voice spoke and the heavens shook.
"Obey me for you all are my slaves,"
It was even heard through the hollow caves.
There's no one on earth that's left to save,
For aren't we all false God's slaves?
Shall the rivers flow red,
With the blood of the dead.
"No tears are left to shed,"
To the saved, God said
Is this what you really want?
Are you just a stupid ****?!
I'm sorry, but I have to be blunt.
Is this really what you ******* want?!
To die in vain,
Die in God's name.
Are you really sane?
And is life just a stupid game?
To live and die as we breathe,
And be born again yet cease
To exist in this internal damnation we call our home
In 2012, will we realize that we're not alone?
The bible, each religion pays attention to only one part.
So is there anyone left, who follows their heart?
We all know, there's always an end and start,
And in this game of life, we all play a part...
...To live, to die,
To conquer and strive.
To destroy, to lie,
To let the world die.
Our judgment day is coming,
But we pulled the rope that made the bells start ringing
You ignorant fools who made us corrupt,
The fools that chose war over Peace;
The ones who won't change to save the world
So tell me dear reader, is this what you want?
To die, when you've never even lived,
To be told how to live this game called "life,"
To be here, in a country becoming more corrupt;
No, this is not what god planned...
...this is not what god had planned.