'So what do you want to do?' I'd tell you that I, friend, want to do whatever it is that you want to do but can I be honest for a change? I want to take the longest hottest coldest shower in a bathtub where I can drown myself And when I'm done rubbing my skin raw; I want to break everything that I've ever loved the way everything I've ever loved has broken me (into so many pieces that I can't quite find myself anymore) and then I want to cry like the world is coming to a ******* end because my world really is I want to mourn the loss of my past and the decay of my present cry waterfalls for all the pain I've been damming up inside of me turn my arms into a canvas of red each slash a reminder of the many losses many mistakes many insecurities that I can't seem to absolve myself of and when I am finally done with all of that... I want to be no more.