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May 2015
When I look in the mirror,
The girl who doesn’t know me
Tells me everyday
There’s two voices
One tells you that you need it all
                                                    Grab it with both hands and never let go
                                                    To make it your own
The other part says to give it time
                                                    Don’t let it consume you
                                                    Leave it be
The war in my mind
The battle's being fought
                                                  Are creating chaos
                                                 I have too many thoughts
What she doesn’t know is
When there's
The greed
And pride
There is also,
                                               The part that says “**** it all”
                                               The part that wants to leave
Darkness is all I see when it rushes over me
The girl in the mirror
She says to me
                                                Not to worry
                                                Not to mind.
                                                There’s a way out
That never occurred to me
                                                I have to figure it out
                                                I have to open my mind.
Until I do,
                                               The war will never be over
                                               The fight will never be done
                                               The chaos will wage on
I will never be fine.
Written by
   KB, --- and Tommy Carroll
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