The difference between a writer and everyone else, A writer needs no recognition for their work, They do not lust for what wealth they might gain, A good writer does not need applause, Does not need praise, Does not need rewards, Does not even need to be published. A good writer is partial talent, A good writer writes often. A good writer see's the world, and its finest details. They stay behind for the ending, the rolling credits. They make tea and drink coffee. They fall in love too quickly, and fall out of love just as fast. A good writer translates feelings into words, they form it to flow like a soft stream. A good writer is quiet. A good writer is loud. They carry their tools everywhere they go. They enjoy the tangible. The soft paper on their hands, the way the ink bleed from the pen. A good writer writes in all ways, about all things, and all emotions. A good writer is a historian, an endless burning torch, their words will forever inspire the world, As a single soul.