I wish people would stop telling me to get better- stop letting my words lingering upon their minds like these emotions I possess are even under my control things aren't that simple for me. I hid myself away for months on end just to learn how to deal with myself again. I became the only friend I ever needed. I thought I fixed myself- but the world was too much and I had to resort to solitude again. I wish people would stop saying it's all in my head- I know it is but it's not something I can rid of it's in my head which means it's apart of me every single ******* day. I wish normalcy was easy to come by and I wish these emotions I felt weren't so ******* extreme. Nothing for me is just happy, or sad. It's not just black and white anymore it's shades of the gray and the off-white inbetween it's dark blue and hints of purple upon a clear sky- indigo tears on a white sheet of paper they stain me, from the inside out and they stick. Permanent marker etched upon my brain chemistry there's no magic eraser to clean up this mess. I didn't make this for myself it was made out of nature and nurture and circumstance and I stand here holding my heart out to whoever will listen just so they know this battle I'm fighting isn't self inflicted, I didn't enlist myself I was drafted into this war the day I was cognitive enough of my emotions I was shipped off. Indigo heart upon my sleeve- I just want someone to realize this side of me Someone that will say I love you and I will help you be happy. I know misery loves company but I'd rather be alone- than bring someone down with me. All I need is some understanding- because I can hold my own hand in a time of need but I need someone to tell me- it's okay to be this way. All I've ever been is too much I want to be enough show me I'm enough.