Nobody wants an easy love
You say
There needs to be a challenge
Like not calling you for days
Like pretending to not care
Like being a dismissive/distant ****
In order to make you feel like you should really want me
Boo, that’s not challenge, that’s buying into the same ******* we are told to do as men:
Do not be intimate, vulnerable; do not surrender to love,
Pretend to be numb, strong, emotionless, and cold, be a man, be loveless,
Be a challenge, so that you may want to conquer me, conquer my flesh and colonize my spirit,
But neither my flesh nor my spirit needs for you to claim them
I need not to falsify my emotions in order to attract you
I do not want to pretend to be a cold lifeless chimera
I am not what you are looking for, but I am what you need.
The real challenge is interrupting old stories of masculinity
Letting me enter you, letting you enter me and surrender to each other’s flesh without guilt or fear of eternal damnation
Standing by me, standing by you even when it does not feel safe
And yes… it’s ok to tell me you miss me, think of me, are triggered by me, hurt by me, impacted by me, I want to know, silence is no challenge to me, knowing you and learning to love you as you guide me through the streets of your inner city heart is.
Vulnerability, communication, surrendering: challenge.