Yes I think it's safe to say I've always had a soft spot for the poetic, the symbolic grasp after, two independent ideas apply meaning and significance through shared traits, proximity or even a similar patter of names running down the hallway
I think it's an understatement to say that I've always had a soft spot for the poetic, the symbolic As a child I remember explaining to a peer that My Problem was in my mind, it made too many connections too fast and that makes things difficult to interpret Of the sea of possibilities you're expected to pick just one I always chose the one that reminded me of something previous Snow is to cold, as square is to rectangle But not always, but enough.
At this point I think there is little else worth saying because it's the only valid explanation for why I would pull you so strongly into my life Because I've always had a soft spot for the poetic, the symbolic No, you aren't poetic. But neither is solid rock and you should see what they've written about the mountains Maybe there was something something that reminded me of something else something before something learned but never practiced
And maybe when I met you my mind made too many connections too fast
And maybe I settled on the piece of yarn suspended between the tack stuck in you and the tack stuck in this something
God, do I wish my mind made just a few less connections