We queue up like indentured servants grateful as ripe fruit for the opportunity to bend our back in an eternal question asking how few grains how few beans how few drops do I need to survive in a world that fits like the abandoned sweater of the world's tallest man
We line up like Hoovervillites eager as dogs for the opportunity to plunge our paws into scalding pots of wondering how many coins how many beds how many children must I offer to subsist in a world that spins out of reach like the apples of the world's tallest tree
We row up rank and file like slaves servile as a Christmas and Easter parishioner's lips slathering for the opportunity to kiss the papal ring imagining how many hours how many loves how many lives will be lost to languish in a world that ossifies like Gluttony's cast off carcasses left by the world's fattest corporate cat
We queue up like indentured servants dolorous as dying vines from the bonds and bridles that bend our back in an eternal question asking how few grains how few beans how few drops will I have left after they've taken the sweater after they've taken the apple after they've taken the scraps in a world that fits like the abandoned sweater of the world's tallest man