As a Christian I fear God His plans are greater than mine. His ways are better than my ways. How will he hear my cry if I don't call out to him and pray? How will I be forgiven if I don't forgive? How will he make me pure if I don't believe?
As a daughter I fear the loss of my mother, she is my everything I know not of how I will soldier on without her. Who will I turn to? Who will I bring flowers to on Mother's day? Who will kiss me good morning and welcome me home?
As a paramedic I fear one day I'll get dispatched to a M.V.A and only to find out it is my lovedone. How will I switch from personal to professional? How will I manage a patient when I am tormented?
As a woman I fear I will devote my life to someone only to wake up with divorce papers on the breakfast table. Who will sleep beside me at night? Who will fix the door handle? Who will teach our son football?
As a human I fear my rage will drive me to put a gun to the head of whoever angered me. How will I live with myself? Will I survive years in jail? Let alone a night in prison.
As a friend I fear death of my peers for I don't want to bury them rather they bury me. I can't imagine life without them. Who will I cry to? Who will call me to order when I am intoxicated? Who will dance with me when our favourite song plays on radio?
As child of God I fear nothing for the Lord is by my side at all times.....till eternity.