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May 2015
My Version Of Retaliation
[Made Interesting To Read]

I'm crushing brains,
breaking chains, dragging lames, still active in the game, upset ***** still the same, nothings changed people act strange, smell ******* from a long range, nothings authentic soulless genetics human heretic synthetics, walking around wasting, taking up, ******* up, covering up, malicious vicious delirious intent, ***** filthy demons, blind ignorance which they enforce proceed controlled suppressed emotions, a supreme devotion, robots in motion planted in their head, inclined to this secular monetary system, money hungry, silly dummy pertaining to the masses, fooled by the higher classes, believing the lie working as a spy I ask myself why? It's worth to die, your life you apply, placed on the line cross ways guaranteed that *** is mine, gripping quickly strike blood ***** dripping, shake the spot before **** gets too hot, I gotta bounce code blue is announced, dorky trick laying sick, coughing blood spit, head twitching, hands legs body shaking into paralysis, panic attack, unaware at this phase, blood rivers travel the concrete floor, cold body quivers shivers burgundy shore, DNA spill not for the thrill but for the ****, keep it real ambulance arrives 15 minutes later, ended catastrophe what a tragedy, depressing agony covered in a white sheet, head to feet, zipped up black body bag, sealed confined, sent to the corner, a cycle repeated over and over, play time finished game over, I'm taking over, blood mystery, forgotten history, piggyback misery, tossed in the pissery, take it too far toss you across the stars, end up crashing on mars, body parts tear apart, fingers linger in the air, head blown strayed away, legs flying squirting red, all that's left to see is a foot intact to your toes, found your nose, what an overdose you arose I suppose you chose to begin, surely thought you could win, in this silly game of sin, found weeks later hanging from a trash bin, hands down to the grounds, legs in flies landing in, ***** acid begin to eat too juicy to retreat, cats eating tasty meat, dogs snatching bones, birds poking pieces, yummy Reese's pieces, human diseases, I guess that's how it ends for the ones who pretend, act like my friend, making amends I'm a lunatic men, brains blend as I ascend, shatter skulls as my power descends, the light I defend until the end, crack you open in half, scatter you then after gather what matters to you, thought you knew bulletproof assassin's crew, recruiting grew, illegal weaponry strategic tactics, I master put it to practice, highly explosive C4, body parts tore, missing pieces to explore if you asking for more, if not step right out the door,
Written by
Santiago  My Gerber Baby
(My Gerber Baby)   
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