Sad and alone, I stare into the stars. There are millions, and billions, All connected by the dust in which they were formed in. I'm told that all things in the universe start from the same beginning, That we are made from the same dust as the stars....
But I don't feel like a star.
I feel like a black hole that takes all these wonderful and magnificent wonders in life and swallows them whole.
I feel like the dark side of the moon, cold, untouched, and deadly. My heart feels frozen And I can feel every crater in my skin, Reminding me of all the harm I've inflicted, And all the wrong choices I've made.
I never lied when I told you that you were my sun...
You are warm and give life to all things. Without you, I'm just a cold, damaged moon Causing the tides to rise and destroying the world with every move I make.