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May 2015
She feels herself teetering on the edge of an abyss,
yet she can't bring it out of herself to care.
Looking down into the empty, black darkness,
she finds herself feeling curiosity.
Not fear.
She wonders what would come of herself
if she took that tiniest step forward.
Sitting there on the edge,
dangling her feet against the jagged, broken edges- scraping.
She feels, for lack of a better word, content.
Danger nor safety touch her in this moment.
Of course, in the back of her mind,
she knows that one small push off and she will fall.
Fall into free darkness, liberated.
The small white light that illuminated where she once stood
becoming a faint memory
as it grows smaller and smaller,
eventually being extinguished from her sight.
She would close her eyes
and feel as though she were weightless.
The numbness this moment would hold
runs through her veins
as she stares out into the all consuming blackness,
mentally taking that final jump,
the last leap of faith.
Physically grasping onto anything that will hold,
needing to feel it's solidness on the earth,
something to draw strength from.
A life line.
Standing there on the edge of an end,
she finds a beginning.
Savannah the Desert Mermaid
Written by
Savannah the Desert Mermaid  Your Girlfriend's Pants
(Your Girlfriend's Pants)   
   Cecil Miller
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