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May 2015
"You really are, I mean there is no other rational explanation.”
Of course I wasn't having any of this.
“Your crazy” I snapped annoyed.
“Everybody knows
when you are totally ******* insane, you don’t realize your insane.
You don’t sit around contemplating, your insanity, dissecting it like a minuscule insect,
trying to find the heart of the matter.”
Just the fact your considering your slow-bus status
makes you sane right?”
She just shook her head.
I sat silent... ******.
These days, I am starting to rethink my whole position.
Maybe if you wonder if you are insane, there is a chance you may be.
I don’t mean a little crazy... manic... I mean batshit crazy.
Insanity is your job.
The labor of your days is the
knitting of intricate webs of delusion,
crafting your own personal hell,
making ready your eternal cell.
John ParkerHarry James
Written by
John ParkerHarry James  Cincinnati
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