She had blurry grey eyes and hair that tangled like vines. In a house by a highway.
The house was old with red shutters that never shut anymore.
She pulled on her hat. Her shoes were stained black. And she left the house by a highway.
The sky was cloudy. The side walk was wet. It was a easy walk to the drug store.
The drug store has been there for about twenty five years. A ten minute walk from a house by a highway.
She lays a five on the counter. A coffee in one hand. She leaves and makes her way to a bridge.
The guard rails were cold as she leans over to get a view of the water that surrounds her.
A house by a high way stands there alone. Waiting for the girl with grey eyes to get back.
The girl takes out a letter. Flips it around in her hands. She lets out a sigh, then letβs the letter fly.
She watches it floats into the water. A minute more she stays takes a sip of coffee and listens to the bird song she has been missing for so many years.
She closes her eyes leaves the bridge and is on her way. Back to a house by a highway.