Big white fluff, you have no form really but you are every form truly.
Your distinct milky knobs present a welcoming entrance; a "Three's Company" vibe. I wanted to catapult up to say hi And ask "What parts of you, were parts of other clouds I've seen?" I wanted to know where it has been; what it means. This kind of magnificence is a collaboration.
You strike me through the glass as I wind around the pass. I know there is more that I am missing. Your colors may be richer, crisper but as I see you now is blissfulβ Orange, pink and bright white hues surround the few cues you are giving me, that say " I Choose you, sullen traveler ! Look at me and be happy!" And I was, right thenβ Happy.
That word that is over questioned and often fleeting went through me and however brief, I can say it was there.