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Terry Collett
Apr 2015
I had a bow
over my shoulder
and threes arrows
tucked in
a mother-made quiver
and was walking over
Meadow Row bomb site
with Janice beside me
-my Maid Marian-
what are you going
to shoot?
she asked
isn't it dangerous?
gran would say
it was dangerous
no the arrows
have got suckers
on the end
they're meant to stick
onto a surface
not enter into it
I said
so what are you going
to hit Benny?
a target on a wall
I tell her
she form an O
with her mouth
what target on a wall?
she said
as we came
to a brick wall
of a bombed out house
here will be the target
I said
she stood and watched
as I drew the outline
of a man with chalk
-a kid always has
a piece of chalk
in his pocket
as well as string
and marbles-
who is it meant to be?
she asked
doesn't look like
anyone I know
it's just a target
an outline of a man
I drew in eyes
nose and mouth
and a heart
and stand back
there is the target
I said
what now?
she said
I stand back a pace or so
and try hit the heart
with an arrow
I said
she nodded her head
so that her fair hair moved
and the red beret shifted
on her head
we walked back
a few paces
over the stones
and rubble
of the bomb site
until we reached
a distant I could hit
the drawn target
I removed the bow
from my shoulder
and took an arrow
from the quiver
and licked the sucker end
of the arrow
then placed the arrow
onto the string
and drew the arrow back
with my fingers
holding the **** firmly
will you hit his heart?
Janice said
I eyed along my arm
and arrow sucker
and at the drawn heart
and released the ****
and the arrow whizzed
through the air
and hit and stuck
to the wall
just on the edge
of the drawn heart
almost got it
Janice said
almost killed him
I walked to the target
and pulled off the arrow
it would have
killed him anyway
I said
can I have ago?
she asked
what if your gran
sees you?
I thought you said
she said it was dangerous?
she did
Janice said
but I won't tell her
I had ago
and she won't see me
what if she did?
I asked
she hesitated
taking the bow
from my hand
and she looked around
the bomb site
and over at the road
over the way
then back along
Meadow Row
satisfied her gran
was not around
she took the bow
from my hand
and the arrow
and attempted to put
the **** end
onto the string
how's it go?
she asked
I showed her
and her thin fingers
held the arrow in place
and the other thin fingers
held the bow
she closed an eye
and looked down
her thin arm
at her other hand
and the sucker end
of the arrow
got it?
I asked
got what?
she asked
the heart in view
I said
no I can't see it
you have
the wrong eye closed
I tell her
she said
and closed
the other eye instead
o yes now I see it
she said
as she drew back
the **** end
of the arrow
then she released it
and the arrow shot
through the air
and bounced off
the target
by the drawn head
it didn't stick
she said
you didn't licked
the sucker end
with spit
I said
she said
and handed me back
the bow
wiping her small hands
on her flowery dress
if gran had seen me
do that
I'd be in
for a good hiding
she said
I walked off
over the rubble
to get my arrow
and she stood watching
with the noon day sun
over her
fair haired head
you'd have killed
I called over
and said.
Written by
Terry Collett
Sussex, England
(Sussex, England)
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