Its friday , just two or three hours , before sun down about my harbor . just that very moment of the hour . and breeze whirls so sweet . from the trees and all but through the street. and the breeze whirling light chilled . so i remember with my dear cherished . l feel my heart empty and vile . so i need my sweetheart smile . its friday just about two or three hours . before dusk envelops my lonely domain and a fresh breeze steals through the plain then moistens my bones slightly to marrow . and my heart feels lonesome and narrow . so i need the sweet eyes of my gazelle . just that hour i want unit with my bell . friday just about two or three hours . before the penumbra shades the light . its just then the splendid hour . to have your beloved girl at sight . friday just two or three hours . before sun down on my harbor . its the real moment of grandeur . to share nothing but love with tenderness . very moment to lay in each other arm and caress . but if heaven permits we will meet again. with love under drought or under rain .