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Jul 2011
As i walk down this path,
I look to my left,
There stands a man and his calf,
He appears to be standing still,
Not moving down his life's path.

I walk over and talk to him
"Whats wrong?"
He replied,
"I'm near the end of my life's song."
I say and talk to him,
He seemed so lonesome.

He starts explaining his life,
Talking about his kids and wife,
The he says about his beliefs
I listen as he talks of god.

He says,
"I may believe in god,
But i do not worship him,
I do not fear him,
I do not love him."
"Why? What do you have against god?"
I asked.

"He plays with us,
Like we are toys,
He spreads the cancer,
Kills the people,
And murders the hope."
He said,
"I write to god,
But when i write i say...."

'Dear God,
How are you?
What have you done lately?
Spread any more cancer?
Made and more parents childless,
or children parent less?
Have you taken any more best friends?
Made people cry till their end?*

Killed and more hopes and dreams?
Cut people straight at their seams?
I know from this letter there will be consequences,
That i do not deny,
But i do not fear you,
You took away all of importance,
And i already suffer,
So now take me!'

As he talked i started to cry,
I wanted to stay,
But it was time to leave him behind,
As i walk down my road,
I think,
This man was the most brilliant person i have ever met,
And up to now i still remember what he said,
It has made the most impact on my life.
The letter is real. I am sorry if you believe in god and worship him, but these are my beliefs. I believe that god spreads the death, and it makes me angry, it makes me angry that he can be so cruel, i know at some point every one needs to die, but taking away parents while children are young of taking away young children from parents. Recently my mothers cousin died, leaving her two children of 21 and 13. To me that's just awful.
Part of the reason i also blame god is when i was 8 my best friend was taken away from me and what helps me cope is to have some one to blame....

So again i'm sorry if this has offended your beliefs of god, but this is my belief and its what and how i think and feel.
Amber Jade
Written by
Amber Jade
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