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Apr 2015
How can I just lay here and accept this,
Accept the fact that I'm not loved.
Not loved by you nor anyone else,
You're supposed to love me; that's why you created me.
Oh I'm sorry I forgot I was a mistake.
I was never planned,
Nor waited for.
I just happened and you didn't want to be a murderer.
You should have gotten rid of me,
Because now you **** me everyday.
You hurt me with words,
I cry and you offer no comfort.
I complain and you give me no compassion.
I can't ever be good enough for you,
You scream and hurt me.
Even when I believe I'm doing my best,
You'll show me I'm not.
I take it all in because I just want you to love me.
That's all I really long for.
That's why as a child I went and slept with men,
Because I thought they could fill this heart.
That didn't help it just made the pain more apparent,
And made me feel *****.
Momma I just wanted you to love me.
How hard is that?
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
   Cecil Miller
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