The Sun fades. Sun spots dimmed. Freckles fading at the over-ripening of the lea of cheek and breast. Rubicund. She has drawn it, suckled and ******, drank the mad draught of sacchriferious redolence, licked the stein with rushing tongue and now alone stands still in space-fills, formless in wade waters of light. It fades. And in the blanket blackout cacoethes, phantoms and spectres expectorate pale puke, lighter than air and leaden hearts beat to molten messes, sparking rumitorium of fire, concupiscible sputum spectacular sub-spectrum sun ***** hot spill-out wretched staccato jerks and stops, red lightening, angry light dancing to the difficult steps of a jittery birth. She shines. Eyes clenched like vengeance, She shines. Like a sick sun, open mouthed and out of control. She shines.