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Apr 2015
i wait and wait and wait and wait

and wait
i sit with skinned knees turned up toward the fluid membrane of the sky


my mouth is supposed to be a pretty pink like you drew me out to be

it's a devastating gray

waiting waiting

how may fingers do i have to count on before you come back to me

stop stop

i don't beg for anyone

except for the voice in my head to

i told myself that beauty is subjective

i want to be subjective


blood flows through the space behind my eyes
i can't see any color but a brilliant red

shut up

how high do i have to jump before the force of the landing breaks both my legs?

my heart beats to no one but the idea that I am superior

do i have the capacity to hate myself?

this is a weird format and a bad poem but whevvvvvsssssssss
Liam Kleinberg
Written by
Liam Kleinberg  California
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