Well for those who ask the Questions which your bound to do where was Act 1 and 3 why you started with act 2 well act one is a enigma for it changes every day for Act 1 goes on different paths to lore and hold and sway for roses don't please everyone or even a box of choc's just seeing through others eye's on how to rock their sock's yes I write for many things but just to make a friend have posted that in messages which I general send and Act 3 Well Everyone you know the rules of the show so publishing is a negative so seeing well that's a no but some friends have yet been lucky and have asked for a showing of I can back up the words I written I'm more than just a gob so there you are 2 answers before I've even seen the calls on which your gonna ask I know your eyes are keen so bye for now I'm going to browse and see some others work I will be back and fill in more for from words I do not shirk